
Three Love Songs that Shook the World

Hello my namne Richie Rich and I loving the Jesus werry much. I living in rich house and rich reccording studio with the rich spa and I making the musik and putting musik in the youtube for peoples to listening so I can becoming the famous. I prey for Jesus to finding for me the talanted musiker that make the musik with me so we can go Los Angeles and becoming the famous. But first we preying and taking the picture and putting picture in intternett so that every peoples can looking.

Jesus werry nice man he finding for me werry talanted pig finish pop star Johanna Tukkinen who werry world famous Marrilyn Monnroe all over world and also there is tired sister Jullia Tukkinen who werry thirsty and having the rich peopels diabets sick and loosing many kilos. I have now writing three love song for Johhanna Tukkinen who werry good singing in intternett youtube. But first we preying and taking the pictures and putting pictures in intternett. They coming from finish and we go studio and reccording. It werry eesy becos Johhanna Tukkinen the werry pro and wearing sailor outfit and we taking the picture a lot and putting in intternett. And then we go house and having diner. But first we preying and drinking wine and taking the picture and putting pictures in intternett so peoples can looking.

Johhanna wanting to say that love songs not are for the Aertto who werry badd man and murder and thiif and also alcohol man with no teeth ryytanna. Not also are the Aertto religion man but devil following littel man from the Läppländ and getting marrying with Johanna but no paying wedding money and wedding in tellevisson reallity show in channel five and ögönfransarna too big. And also Aertto the strangeling with werry manny hand. But first we drinking wine and taking the picture. Johhanna dressing like werry nice and sister Jullia werry tired. Then we drinking wine and putting pictures in intternett so peoples can looking.

Johhanna werry sweet and genttel and the loving persson and never hitting no body or using knife. She loving flower and kitten and the pink heart and the littel baby Jesus. She not loving the devvil and Aertto who badd man and the nättä who badd peoples and the polis who also the badd peoples. Also the fotografer is werry badd peoples and the newspaper men is badd peoples who werry jellous and the old wommen is werry jellous and also the all finish peoples is badd peoples and the alcoholic jealous peoples. Also other finish celberitys is badd peoples and not inviting Johhanna to partys becos they is jellous off Johhanna and sister Jullia who is werry tired. Also Johanna not loving Hitler who writing badd thngs off Johhanna in intternett and the all finish man badd peoples that jellous off Johhanna and not want marrying Johhanna. But first we drinking and taking picture and putting in intternett.

Johhanna having the werry much love for the all peoples off world. Johhanna werry good persson and sister Jullia werry tired. But first we drinking and taking picture.

I thanking Jesus becos now I becoming the famous with Johhanna and putting song in intternett youtube and we go Los Angeles and meeting Johhannas frends Gorge Clooney and Piff Duddy and Parris Hiltton and selling milljards off reccords. But first we drinking and taking the picture and putting picture in intternett so Jesus can looking.


  1. Hahaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaa, this was hillarious.
    It´s nice to see that you are so interested in her blog, and that you take the time to start a blog about it.

  2. I but this my sekond comments here becos i wana everybody see i was here befor your internetsal superstar famous!!
